Check out this video of Kev, our CEO

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Check out this video of Kev, our CEO, speaking to the exciting development of finding bilbies outside our fenced area at Currawinya—and why your funds are urgently needed today to keep them there:
Despite these latest developments being so promising, with rain, other small animals thrive for feral pests to eat – such as the much-reported mouse plague – thereby allowing the cats and foxes to grow in numbers too.
As the conditions dry up (which we believe it will), prey becomes scarcer and this is when the cats will come for the bilby – with disastrous consequences if we do not act.
$150,000 is needed fund two qualified invasive pest controllers and their equipment to run an intensive cat management program at Currawinya across the next year. In addition, these funds will help cover the cost of the Save the Bilby Fund staff to monitor and manage traps after they are placed. Of course, on top of this, we will have volunteers helping, but for this job it is essential we have trained professionals.
We have made so much incredible progress entirely due to the generosity of our bilby loving community who have been able to finance each small step we take.
Bilbies are hardy creatures who breed easily and provide a range of benefits to outback Australia—they just need this kick start to get them on their way to thriving again on the land they have lived for thousands of years. Please donate what you can today:
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