Blast from the Past!

2025 will mark the twentieth year of National Bilby Day (which is the second Sunday in September, which is on the 14th in 2025) so here is a look back to 2016 when Kev spoke at the launch of Threatened Species Day with Steven Miles.

Environment Minister Dr Steven Miles today (Wednesday 07 September, 2016) officially launched Threatened Species Day by highlighting the important work being done in Queensland to safeguard at-risk species.

Speaking in Brisbane’s Queen Street Mall, Dr Miles said the day was “acknowledged right across the country’.

“Not only does the day raise awareness nationally of the plight of many species, but it also highlights the amazing work people are doing to save them,” Dr Miles said.

“It’s an opportunity to showcase successful recovery projects underway in Queensland to safeguard a number of threatened species as part of National Threatened Species Week, which runs from September 4 – 11.

“Sunday is also National Bilby Day, and we are working with Save the Bilby Fund to protect these special Queenslanders, by releasing them into their natural habitat at Currawinya National Park in south-western Queensland through the Greater Bilby captive breeding program”.


We are very excited about 2025 has in store for Save the Bilby Fund!

Keep an eye on your emails (sign up here) and our socials.

We are also looking forward to working with the Threatened Species Commissioner, Dr Fiona Fraser and the new Minster for Environment and Tourism Andrew Powell MP.

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