Our Supporters
Organisations who are proud bilby-lovers!
Dreamworld on the Gold Coast, has tirelessly supported Save the Bilby Fund through Dreamworld Wildlife Foundation from the beginning and are an integral part of the bilby breeding for release program.
Visit the bilbies at their Bilby Discovery Centre and see the show at 2:45 pm daily, some of their bilbies we bred in Charleville!

Always first to offer a helping hand to support Save the Bilby fund in any way they can.

For hosting and celebrating the bilby on National Bilby Day (the second Sunday in September, which is also threatened species month).

Wilhelma Botanical Gardens Stuttgart Germany is working together with its visitors to support conservation projects around the world.
With the voluntary Conservation Euro, attendees endow us directly with every ticket purchase – a small contribution with a big effect that goes 100% to where it is needed.
Wilhelma Botanical Gardens donation goes directly to Dr Cass to continue her research.

In-kind support and fundraising.
“We believe that fundraising success comes from listening to the head, heart and gut.”

“We are proud to support the conservation of Australia’s natural wonders through partnerships with environmental agencies across the country and lands we travel through.” – Dan Smith, CEO Greyhound Australia
Greyhound has been an amazing supporter of Save the Bilby Fund for many years. They are one of our Big Diggers!

Paul from Wild Pest Management has been very supportive in helping Kev develop and manage our feral cat traps.
We wouldn’t be able to continue our work without the help and support of Paul in all facets of protecting the fenced bilby sanctuary out at Currawinya.

Thank you to the Reel Planning team for their ongoing support over the years.

Each purchase helps Bilby conservation – Wildlife Conservation Co give 10% back to the Save the Bilby Fund!
They tracked down Australia’s best organic, ethical chocolate & are excited to partner with Deva Cacao to bring you these yummy Bilbies! – Organic, artisan chocolate created in small batches & sweetened only with raw Australian honey!
This is a raw chocolate with 78% cacao. They are locally made in NSW using raw cacao, fairly traded & packed in sustainable, compostable packaging! So not only are these chocolates good for Bilbies, but they are also good for you & good for the planet!

You can order these beautifully packaged hampers for yourself, or for Easter gifts! Or you can pick from the different chocolates available and build your own bilby basket.
They even have a vegan one!!
We receive at least 10% of the purchase price of every yummy individual bilby.

Check out Denise’s release of a stunning Bubble O’Bilby watercolour print!
There are also greeting cards here!
Bilbies are omnivores so they would definitely tuck into a Bubble O’Bill if they got their hands on one.
5% of the proceeds of the sales go to Save the Bilby Fund.

Sweeter than chocolate, Bamboo Bilby is made in Australia, from naturally compostable material and comes with a hemp twine tie for hanging.
Earth Greetings are donating $1 from every Bamboo Bilby sold to the Save The Bilby Fund to assist them to continue their important work in saving these unique and precious creatures from extinction.

EnviroPrint’s main goal is to enhance public awareness of environmental conservation, cultural harmony, and the important work of Australian charities. We assist worthy organisations through the use of our quality graphic design and print services. We use locally source recycled papers, or reclaimed potential waste paper to maximise resource utilisation and save trees.
Find out more by going to the EnviroPrint Australia website

Hannah has created a beautiful, quarterly outdoor mindfulness activity book The Secret Almanac with $5 from every sale being donated to us here at Save the Bilby Fund.
This project is about creating mutually beneficial relationships between people and nature.

Jess is an Australian illustrator working across children’s books, client projects, makin’ pins, and paintin’ birds.
Jess has very kindly created a bilby pin to which she is donating a portion of her profits to saving bilbies.

Eat Your Water, through 1% of the Planet, pledge to donate at least 1% of sales to charities and non for profits and in 2022 they very generously created a bilby cap which they donated $2500 to help save bilbies.
Thank you Hannah and the team at Eat Your Water.

Susan of Isabella Golightly has over the years supported the bilbies by creating these amazing cute stuffed bilbies. Susan’s generosity has no limits – she has just recently donated at cost 300 bilbies to be sewn by volunteers to then be sold online and at Charleville Bilby Experience. Keep your eye out to make sure you get yours!
Thank you, Susan!

Kris Sheather, the author of Bedtime Bilby, has been a very generous contributor to Save the Bilby Fund since 2017 when Kris published Bedtime Bilby and has been donating to the fund ever since.