Remember our “Bilbies, not bunnies” campaign, which so many of you supported to encourage Darrell Lea to restart production of their delicious chocolate bilby? Well, all over Australia, they are now stocked in our biggest supermarkets, Woolworths and Coles!
We are beyond grateful to all our bilby-lovers and to Darrell Leabecause they have been so generous and kind.
This year, you can find Darrell Lea Bilby at Woolworths and Coles.
For those of you who live rurally or want to buy fabulous chocolate hampers to send to friends and family interstate, we love our online partner, The Chocolate Box’s service.
Click here to order your chocolate Easter bilbies directly from them, and they will donate to us. They are such a delightful team to deal with.
This Easter they are graciously donating 50c from every Bailey the Bilbyproduct sold to us a Save the Bilby Fund to ensure the survival of this wonderful eco-engineer.
The cut-off for Easter orders is midnight on Friday, 11th April 2025.
And, of course, now we are so glad to tell you that there are special bilbies for bilby lovers who choose not to eat animal products or exclude dairy or gluten.
These bilbies by The Wildlife Conservation Co are delicious. They make wonderful and thoughtful gifts or a treat for yourself. Click here to see more.
Thank you for being part of our community and for everything you already do for us.
Here’s to chocolate bilbies, not bunnies for everyone!
Here are the non-sugary but just-as-sweet bilby Easter gifts, should you wish to give a bilby, not a bunny, this Easter!
Earth Greetingshave supported the Fund for over 5 years now as they continue to donate to us $1 for every beautiful laser cut bilby decoration bought. If, like one of our team, you have an Easter tree, they look beautiful hanging there with the chicks and the eggs!
Madelynn Fawn of Fawnlee Studios takes inspiration from the environment around her. She creates whimsical artworks and stories to accompany each product. Join Madelynn on her journey of creating art and telling stories.
Taswild is a profit-for-purpose business run by Janelle Olivia. Based in the beautiful Huon Valley, Tasmania, She creates sustainable jewellery and handmade gifts to generate a profit, which I use to help rehabilitate & release injured & orphaned wildlife in Tasmania. By purchasing one of my products, you are directly helping animals in need get their second chance at life.
She has produced this beautiful colouring-in sheet where she donates 50% of the profit to us at Save the Bilby Fund.